Connect this bridge board to standard IDE 40Pin or 44Pin cable and make your PC
system to have bootable CompactFlash device.
Suit for internal use in all computer case, mini computer, embedded system, IPC and
Rackmount case.
- Supports 40 pin & 44 pin IDE standard Port both
- Internal use for any computer case , mini computer, embedded system, IPC and Rackmount case
- Support CompactFlashTM cards (Type I & II) or a IBM MicrodriveTM
- Transparent to the operating system and does not require any drivers
- The CF card can be the primary bootable device containing the OS and application
- Supports jumper for master and slave setting
- Push bottom ejector on board
- Powered by 4 pin floppy connector or 44 pin IDE Port
- Fully RoHS compliant