Connect this bridge board to standard IDE 40Pin or 44Pin cable and make your PC
system to support bootable CompactFlash device.
This is a convenient interface that allows CompactFlash modules to be used in any
system that has a standard IDE 40 pin or 44 pin port.
- Supports 40 pin & 44 pin IDE standard Port both
- PCI Mounting bracket
- For any computer case, mini computer, embedded system, IPC and Rackmount case
- Support CompactFlashTM cards (Type I & II) or a IBM MicrodriveTM
- Transparent to the operating system and does not require any drivers
- The CF card can be the primary bootable device containing the OS and application.
- Supports jumper for master and slave setting
- Push bottom ejector on board
- Powered by 4 pin floppy connector or 44 pin IDE Port